Policies & FAQs

New Guest

Please try to arrive 5 minutes early to fill out paperwork.

Schedule Policy

Online booking available at schedulicity.com.

Appointment only, no walk-ins.



How to prepare for your Brazilian/Bikini Wax:

Hair needs to be about a quarter inch long (about 10-14 day growth). Please note, this applies to first time guests who have been shaving. Also short stubble hair is difficult to remove with wax, if too short can lead to irritation. Exfoliating is KEY. This helps deter and loosen the skin around the hair follicle for easier removal. A loofah or exfoliating scrub are great exfoliating tools.

Planning on bringing your children?

Even though we love children, we ask that you leave them home. A wax environment is not always appropriate for young kids.

Does a Brazilian wax hurt?

Removing hair from the root isn’t the most pleasant experience. However, Daly is an expert esthetician with years of experience. DWS prides on having your wax service be as comfortable as possible. TIP: Ibuprofen can help with your experience. After your first Brazilian it gets easier and less uncomfortable. After each wax the hair grows back in softer and more sparse.

How long should I wait after shaving to get a Brazilian?

DWS recommends waiting two weeks to ensure proper growth and a less painful, longer-lasting wax.

How long will the result last?

Waxes usually last anywhere from 4-6 weeks.

Can I get waxed if I’m on my period?

Yes, usually a little more sensitive. DWS ask that you freshen up with a fresh tampon before your wax service.

Can I get waxed if I’m pregnant?

Yes, however, please clear this with your doctor before your visit.

What kind of wax do you use?

DWS uses an all natural hard wax that adheres to the hair not skin. It’s a low temperature hard wax perfect for sensitive skin.



Exfoliating is KEY before and after a wax service.

If you are using any Retinol products please stop using 7-10 days prior to waxing.

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to notify your wax artist of any allergies or medication.

Avoid wearing tight clothing after a body waxing service.

NO creams, lotions, or oils before or after a wax.